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Get Ready to Vote

The Colorado Springs General Municipal Election is April 1. All six City Council seats are up for election - make sure your voice is heard! 

Learn more about the upcoming election on the CC Votes page.

Note: CC's district has changed! CC is now located in District 3. Students living on campus reside in District 3, students living off campus just north of Uintah still reside in District 5. Find your district here.

Now Hiring

Open Intern Positions with the CCE:

Student Director of BreakOut

The BreakOut student organization facilitates trip-based programming in the CCE, promoting student-student leadership, student learning, and student involvement through off-campus Saturday trips and Block Break trips throughout the academic year. The CCE is hiring 2 student directors to lead these efforts. 

Partners: Looking for CC Volunteers?

No matter if you're looking for volunteers for a one-time or short-term opportunity or to develop a deeper, reciprocal, and impactful partnership that supports the mission of the College and engages diverse communities, we want to hear from you!

Submit Engagement Opportunities through this online form.

Contact Niki Sosa Gallegos, our Assistant Director for Community Partnerships, with any questions.

Join Community Engaged Scholars

The Community Engaged Scholar (CES) program develops and supports students' commitment to and capacity for sustained, informed, and deliberate community engagement. By enrolling in the program, students commit to

  • Consistently engage in community work throughout their undergraduate careers
  • Take an effort to learn from, and apply learning to, those experiences.
Learn more and apply here!


Upcoming Opportunities

Share, Explore, & Connect with the CCE

Share Your Experience

We want to hear about your experiences engaging with the community! Tells about your experience working with local organizations so that we can tell the story of community engagement and assess how to better support the campus and local community through partnerships. 
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Report an issue - Last updated: 02/27/2025